I have combined my thoughts with Chuck Swindle Notes: See his complete notes here
What is Integrity?
Three definitions from dictionary.com:
1.adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2.the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
3.a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.
Integrity means to be sound. The Hebrew word for integrity is "tom"- which means to be complete or solid. Integrity is completely finishing a job when no one is looking, It is not to compromise, to be faithful when circumstances change...It also means keeping promises to people who you have promised. It is walking the talk....You do what you say. Your actions are consequences of your faith and words.
It is directly opposite of hypocrisy...I believe this is the number one thing that discourages unbelievers from seeking God. If a believers say many wonderful things on Sunday morning church, but Monday through Saturday when they don't go out and do it, and/or live a dual lifestyle, are they really believers? The bible says "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continuous to do this, not forgetting what he has heard but doing it- he will be blessed in what he does." (James 1:22-25) Amen my brother James!!!
Integrity is many times the behind the scenes...people may not notice it, but God does. It build humbleness...We did not deserve the cross, nevertheless, Christ died for us.
God sees our heart...nothing is hidden from him. One day we will give account of our lifes and everything we have done.
Integrity build character. Integrity is rock-like. It won’t crack when it has to stand alone, and
it won’t crumble though the pressure mounts. Integrity keeps one from
fearing the white light of examination or resisting the exacting demands
of close scrutiny. It’s honesty at all costs.
Integrity is having the guts to tell the truth, even if it may hurt to
do so. Integrity is having the guts to be honest, even though cheating
may bring about a better grade. Integrity is giving credit to people who deserve it.
But there are some things integrity is not. It is not sinless
perfection. A person with integrity does not live a life absolutely free
of sin. No one does. But one with integrity quickly acknowledges his
failures and doesn’t hide the wrong.
It takes real guts to stand strong with integrity in a culture weakened by hypocrisy. Start today.
It takes real guts to stand strong with integrity in a culture weakened by hypocrisy. Start today.
Be Blessed,
Credit for notes: http://www.insight.org/library/articles/christian-living/a-battle-for-integrity.html?t=Men