Watch this video, it is a great reminder who we are in Christ and what has been done for us. GRACE! God is real folks, get to know him!
How do we do know the truth? Lets read the previous verse for context:
"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples, THEN you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
What are we free from?
We are free from sin. Christ has set us free, we are a new creation in Christ, and we are no longer a slave to sin. "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:37)- also a nice song about this verse:-)) Im not saying once you know Christ, you will never sin again. No, this is not what this verse means. When we discover Christ our passions, goals, our entire world view changes. We are literally (in our spirit) a new person, transformed. This life on earth is a journey and there WILL be temptations, there will be struggles, and there will be times when we fall due to sin.
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand" Psalm 37:24
God's love and his grace comprehensible. I do not completely understand, and its crazy when I think about it. The penalty of sin is death. No matter how big or small the sin, we all stand guilty and without excuse, before our Creator. How then, is there any hope for us? A substitution was made. Jesus, God's son, said "I will go" He went on earth, took our place, took our sin upon himself, and paid the ultimate penalty (death!). When God looks at us, we are covered by the blood of Jesus
He will take us back into his arms if we come running back to him. This does not give us a license to sin. We cannot knowingly sin repetitively, and think in the back of our minds " God is loving and He will forgive me". Gods grace is grace is abound, but there will be a time when we stand before Him and must give an answer.
We are bought with a very high price. There is life and power in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Hs is the Truth, the Way, the Life!
Find Truth, find life.
God Bless
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