Verse of The Day

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Wise Man According to Proverbs

I have recently been reading lots of Proverbs and Psalms, which are full of encouragement and wisdom. I read them when exhausted and discouraged.(pretty often recently...) I encountered a very good resource in my study Bible (NIV) that I believe is worth typing up and sharing. It is an outline of Proverbs and provides a good way to navigate through it.

As I read through this outline, I noticed many things I personally need to work on. In my Bible I placed a little check mark next to them to remind myself to work on those. Use this resource as you want. :-)

Summit post is still coming up, probably in 2weeks! (after Finals).

Stay in Christ. Be blessed!

Proverbs Outline:
  • His Character
    • He Is Teachable, Not Intractable
      1. He receives and loves instruction (18:15; 19:20)
      2. He grows in wisdom (1:5; 9:9; 10:14)
    • He Is Righteous, Not Wicked
      1. He fears the Lord (1:7; 14:16; see below under relationship to the Lord)
      2. He hates what is false (13:5)
      3. He shuns evil (3:7; 14:16; 16:6)
      4. He does what is righteous (2:20)
      5. He speaks the truth (22:21)
    • He Is Humble, Not Proud (15:33)
    • He Is Self-controlled, Not Rash
      1. His temperament
        1. He is self-controlled (29:11)
        2. He has a calm spirit (17:27)
        3. He is slow to become angry (29:8,11)
      2. 2. His actions
        1. He is cautious, not hasty (19:2)
        2. He thinks before he acts (13:16; 14:8)
        3. He thinks before he speaks (12:23; 15:2)
    • He Is Forgiving, Not Vindictive
      1. He is patient (19:11)
      2. He is concerned about goodwill/peace (14:9)
      3. He forgives those who wrong him (10:12; 17:9)
      4. He is not vindictive (20:22; 24:29)
  • His Relationships
    • To the Lord
      1. He fears the Lord (9:10; 14:16; 15:33)
      2. He trusts in the Lord (3:5; 16:3,20)
      3. He is ever mindful of the Lord (3:6)
      4. He chooses the Lord’s way/wisdom (8:10-11; 17:24)
      5. He submits to the Lord’s discipline (1:2-3; 3:11)
      6. He confesses his sin (28:13)
    • To His Family
      1. To his parents
        1. Respects them (17:6; contrast 30:17)
        2. Listens to them (23:22; cf. 1:8; 4:1)
        3. Seeks to bring them honor and joy
          1. By being wise (10:1; 15:20; 29:3)
          2. By being righteous (23:24)
          3. By being diligent (10:5)
      2. To his wife
        1. He appreciates her
          1. As a gift from the Lord (18:22; 19:14)
          2. As his crowning glory (12:4; 31:10-31)
        2. He praises her (31:28)
        3. He trusts her (31:11)
        4. He is faithful to her (5:15-20)
      3. To his children
        1. He loves them (3:12; 13:24)
        2. He is concerned about them (1:8-9:18)
        3. He trains them (22:6)
          1. Reasons for training them
            1. Own peace of mind and joy (29:17)
            2. Child’s honor and well-being (1:8-9; 4:9; 19:18; 23:13-14)
          2. By teaching/instructing them (1:10; chs. 5-7; 28:7; cf. 4:1-9)
          3. By disciplining them
            1. By verbal correction (13:1)
            2. By physical discipline (13:24; 23:13-14)
        4. He provides for their
          1. Physical needs (21:20; cf. 27:23-27)
          2. Spiritual heritage (14:26; 20:7)
    • To His Friends and Neighbors
      1. To his friends
        1. He values them (27:10)
        2. He is constant to them (17:17; 18:24)
        3. He gives them counsel (27:9,17; cf. 27:6; 28:23)
      2. To his neighbors
        1. He fulfills his obligations (3:27-28)
        2. He strives for peace (3:29-30)
        3. He does not outstay his welcome (25:17)
        4. He does not deceive or mislead them (16:29; 26:18-19)
  • His Words
    • The Power of His Words
      1. Their power
        1. The power of life and death (12:6; 13:14; 15:4; 18:21)
        2. The power to heal or to wound (11:9,11; 12:18; 15:4,30; 16:24)
      2. Their limitation
        1. No substitute for deeds (14:23)
        2. Cannot alter the facts (26:23-26)
        3. Cannot compel response (29:19)
    • The Character of His Words
      1. They are honest, not false (12:22; 16:13)
      2. They are few, not many (10:19)
        1. Not boastful (27:2)
        2. Not argumentative (17:14)
        3. Not contentious (29:9)
        4. Not a gossip
          1. Revealing secrets (11:13; 20:19)
          2. Spreading slander (10:18; 26:20-22)
      3. They are calm, not emotional
        1. Rational (15:28; 17:27)
        2. Gentle and peaceable (15:1,18)
        3. Yet persuasive (25:15)
      4. They are apt, not untimely (15:23; 25:11)
    • The Source of His Words
      1. His heart/character (compare 4:23 with Mt 12:33-35)
        1. Positively, he is righteous (cf. 10:11; 13:14)
        2. Negatively, he is not
          1. Proud (13:10; cf. 6:16-19)
          2. Hateful (26:24,28)
      2. His companions (13:20; 27:17)
      3. Reflections (15:28)

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